
Call an subcircuit when generating netlist in Analog Design Envirnment (ADE)

1) create a sch & symbol view for the subcircuit

2) copy the "symbo" view to "spectre" or "hspiceD", or others view as desired

3) open the base CDF for the cell, add a component partmer called "model" in the "Edit CDF Parameter" from, specify as belows:
       paramType : String
       parseAsNumber: no
       parseAsCell : yes
       storeDefault : no
       name : model
       prompt : Model Name
then press OK

4) in the "Simulation Information", edit the following parameters:
       choose simulator : hspiceD, or others
       otherParamters : model
       instParameters : myParameters
       componentName  : (leave blank)
       namePrefix : x
       termOrder : the subcircuit terminals order

Finally, include the path of the subcircuit by hand edit in the generated netlist, or by
ADE --> Setup --> Model --> Model Libraries

Follow below steps yet works (without passing parameter) :-
repeat above point 1) & 2).
CDF : Simulatior Information
           |-- by simulator -> hspiceD
           |-- name prefix = x
           |-- termOrder = "a" "b" "c" etc. pin order same as subckt terminals
           |-- by simulator ->  spectre
           |-- termOrde = "a" "b" "c" etc. pin order same as subck terminals
