function inside a struct
typedef struct try {
void (*init)();
void (*set)();
void (*print)();
int x,y;
} foo;
void init(foo *p)
void set(foo *p, int x, int y)
p->x = x;
p->y = y;
void print(foo *p)
printf("x=%d, y=%d\n\r", p->x, p->y);
foo *initialize(void)
foo *p = (foo*)malloc(sizeof(foo));
p->init = init;
p->set = set;
p->print = print;
return p;
//----- test
foo *p = initialize();
p->set(p, 10, 2);
p->set(p, 15, 12);
JLink for Keil ARM
--> Configure Flash Tool
--> Utilities --> Use Target Driver for Flash Programming
--> select "Cortex-M/R J-LINK/J-Trace
--> Settings --> Programming Algorithm
--> Add --> select "STM32F10X Med-density Flash" On-Chip Flash 128K
--> Debug
--> in Use, select "Cortex-M/R J-LINK/J-Trace"
Layer mapping
#Cadence layer name(by techfile) Cadence layer purpose Stream-in layer number(source) Stream-in data type
========================= ================= ========================= ===============
Nwell drawing 200 0
Poly drawing 204 0
Pisland drawing 202 0
Nisland drawing 201 0
Nselect drawing 205 0
Pselect drawing 206 0
Thickox drawing 203 0
Silblk drawing 207 0
Contact drawing 208 0
Met1 drawing 209 0
Via1 drawing 210 0
Met2 drawing 211 0
Via2 drawing 212 0
Met3 drawing 213 0
HR drawing 214 0
M1text text 226 0
M2text text 227 0
text drawing 21 0
the layers which did not specified in the layer map file will be ignored when stream-in.
To probe signal from layout for reviewing
This can be done by running DRC check
Keep the layer and connection definition, delete the rule checks in the rule deck (NOT the header file),
then add the following commands at end of the rule deck:
*** remember to set "DRC MAXIMUM RESULTS ALL", since the result output
*** may be exceed the max. limits
// probe nets
Plot_VDDA { @output all metal shapes belonging to VDDA net
NET Metaltop VDDA
DRC CHECK MAP Plot_VDDA GDSII 6 0 "./plots/VDDA.gds"
Convert verilog netlist to spice netlist
v2lvs -v verilog_in.v -o spice_out.sp -w 3
for more complex syntax put into a script, say "v2sp.sh"
v2lvs -n -s0 GND -s1 VDD -s inc_1.cdl -s inc_2.sp -lsp sp_ref_lib.sp -v $1 -o $2
e.g. run in console:
./v2sp.sh input.v output.sp
-n : make the unconnected pins to get numbered connections starting at 1000
$1 : system var, which is filename1
$2 : system var, which is filename2
To ignore a cell or region when running DRC/LVS
LAYOUT WINDEL 315 2638 384 2680 // ignore the rectangle region at (315, 2638) (384, 2680)
EXCLUDE CELL "cell_name" // exclude the "cell_name"
LVS BOX cell1 cell2 // treat cell1, cell2 as a black box, only check pin connection, not the inside netlist/layout of the cells. (useful for phantom cells or unfinished cells for doing LVS)
Layout pin text placement
The pin text on the layout can be specified by a text file rather than placing the text label on layout. This approach can be used for running LVS of a gds file which doesn't include any text information.
LAYER M2_TXT 50 // define the layer
TEXT LAYER M2_TXT // define layer as a text layer
LAYOUT TEXT CLOCK 10.5 16.8 M2_TXT // place the text "CLOCK" at (10.5, 16.8)
the layout text can be included in a separated file to simplify the rule deck file
Call an subcircuit when generating netlist in Analog Design Envirnment (ADE)
2) copy the "symbo" view to "spectre" or "hspiceD", or others view as desired
3) open the base CDF for the cell, add a component partmer called "model" in the "Edit CDF Parameter" from, specify as belows:
paramType : String
parseAsNumber: no
parseAsCell : yes
storeDefault : no
name : model
prompt : Model Name
then press OK
4) in the "Simulation Information", edit the following parameters:
choose simulator : hspiceD, or others
otherParamters : model
instParameters : myParameters
componentName : (leave blank)
namePrefix : x
termOrder : the subcircuit terminals order
Finally, include the path of the subcircuit by hand edit in the generated netlist, or by
ADE --> Setup --> Model --> Model Libraries
Follow below steps yet works (without passing parameter) :-
CDF : Simulatior Information
|-- by simulator -> hspiceD
|-- name prefix = x
|-- termOrder = "a" "b" "c" etc. pin order same as subckt terminals
|-- by simulator -> spectre
|-- termOrde = "a" "b" "c" etc. pin order same as subck terminals